Martin Acres Community Input
In May of 2017 we set out to engage with our community about Art in Martin Acres. A community input event was held at Martin Park and an online survey was distributed to our neighborhood electronically.
90% of survey respondents indicated that they are in favor of bringing more art to Martin Acres. A few themes emerged during the community input event, and to a lesser extent through the survey: Interactive Art, Functional Art, Unexpected Art, and Community Gathering/Engagement.
Most Desired Type of Art
Murals were selected as the most desired art type of art in Martin Acres. Nature/Land Art was a close second, and Street Painting the third highest choice.
Highly Ranked Value - NATUre
79% of respondents selected Natural, and 70% selected Community to describe Martin Acres. Beautiful (68%) and Fun (65%) were the next top choices.
Most Desired Location
Bike paths/underpass walls were identified as the most desired location for art, and entry points to Martin Acres were the second most desired.
Open-ended Discussion/Comments
A few themes emerged during the community input event, and to a lesser extent through the survey: Interactive Art, Functional Art, Unexpected Art, and Community Gathering/Engagement.